Come Join us for the PITA Doubles Challenge and LCRGC Ultimate Doubles Challenge.
You will have the opportunity to shoot up to 500 registered targets, in a doubles format, at each shoot.
The club will be hosting a total of 4 shoots over the next 4 months with this same format for each shoot affording you the opportunity to shoot a total of 2000 registered targets to qualify for LCRGC and PITA prizes.
PITA rules governing doubles will be followed
If you would like to learn more log onto:
Lake County Rod & Gun Club Rules for In-House Prizes
— This will cover all classes: AA - A - B - C - D - Lady - Junior
— The best out of 500, 1000 & 1500 will be awarded a 1-oz. Silver Eagle coin in each class
— A minimum of 3 shooters is required to fill a squad
— Awards will distributed at the last shoot in June
— YES, you can shoot less than 500 in one day, but the more you shoot the better chance you have in elimination the bad scores and replacing with good scores.
Lake County Rod & Gun Club In-House Awards Guidelines
— To qualify for the 500 target plateau, we take the best scores from your first 100 to 900 targets
— To qualify for the 1000 target plateau, we take the best scores from your first 100 to 1400 targets
— To qualify for the 1500 target plateau, we take the best scores from your 100 to 2000 targets
— If you shoot over the 900 target cut of point or the 1400 target cut of point you will automatically be entered into the next plateau.
If you have any questions you can also contact Rick Freeman @ 974-1551